Blue 💙 Mom is thinking about the holidays. I’m sure you are too. Holidays are harder without Linley. Anyone who has lost someone special knows the feeling; holidays inevitably seem to make that hole in your heart feel a little bigger. We’re fortunate to have a caring support network to come patch us up when needed- they help us carry on traditions and create new ones and always fill our hearts.
Our elf, Freddie, making trouble at the rental house - Christmas 2016
This December, I’ll try to enjoy the magic of the season. I’m (hopefully) sending cards out for the first time in years. The first order ended up in California though, so they might be sent closer to New Years. Oh well, I’ve learned not to sweat the small stuff- and late holiday cards are smaller than small stuff.
This December I’m also going to take a holiday from worry. I’m not going to worry if I get the right sized tree, give the perfect gifts, or write an award worthy blog post. If you see a few mistakes here and there, it’s small stuff. I’m refusing to let the small stuff consume me. There are families out there who, for one reason or another, don’t have the luxury of worrying about their Amazon orders arriving or finding a fabulous outfit for the company party. They don’t get a holiday from worry.
I’m focusing on the BIG stuff this year- family, being together, health, happiness, and love. If I’m privileged enough to let some of the small stuff creep in and messy things up, that’s ok. It’s easy to get lost in the chaos and noise the holidays create. Some of it is actually a welcome break from reality.
This December, I’ll toast to life, love, and little breaks from reality. I’ll watch Linley keep shining her light, I’ll hold our Love for Linley families close to my heart, and send all the strength in the world to families facing a childhood cancer diagnosis. For them, there is no break from reality.. ever.. because cancer doesn’t take a holiday.
When times get crazy, I’ll think of the many little heroes who won’t be celebrating at home this year and the parents who are trying their best to make hospital rooms (or hotel rooms) festive despite the fluorescent lighting, beeping machines, and anxiety-inducing, sleep-depriving delirium. With help from sweet friends, it did manage to get pretty darn festive in our Boston hotel room. Between making indoor snowmen, a new magical girl elf, and cozy matching pjs and Christmas tree headbands we enjoyed glimpses of holiday magic and joy. And this was just a little snippet of all the visits, gifts, and love we received that December. We have the most incredible friends, don’t we? Anyway, If you’ve never spent a holiday in a hospital or hotel with a sick child consider yourself extremely blessed (spoiler… that’s the next blog word.)
Making memories in our Boston hotel room while Linley had daily radiation treatments before finishing them just in time to go home for Christmas - December 2019
Last but not least, an update on our 2022 end-of-year campaign!
1,000 Strong 🎩⚽️ Hat Trick for Lin 💙🌟
GOAL 1 - 💥 SCORED! 💥 $1,000 in donations
GOAL 2 - 1,000 Followers @loveforlinley on social media Our total is 445 followers (273 Facebook & 172 Instagram) We have a long way to go with this one… Please help spread the word!
GOAL 3 - 1,000 Visitors to We are at 959 visitors!!!
Help us give cancer a RED CARD! I know we can do it by 2023. These are lofty goals for a small new nonprofit, but we DREAM BIG!
To my Love for Linley family, enjoy this holiday season if you are able and if you are not, know you are not alone and we are thinking of you.
And to my girl, holidays will never be the same. I hope you are on the most magical holiday imaginable, bigger than any in this lifetime— keep shining your light and I will keep telling your Story.
All my love,