This post will be short and sweet because 1) either the teen (sure- why not bake cookies at midnight) or the dog (one of these days, we’ll find that randomly chirping smoke detector) has had me up way too late this week and I can’t think straight 2) the insanely massive tree that my family thought was a good idea needs a full-time landscaper 3) We are planning some BIG things with Love for Linley Foundation and 4) I did something I hate…I procrastinated.
Reason #1 for writer’s block
Lovable, but a little nuts. Zeva the elf doggie; scared of beeping smoke detectors, the vacuum, and bouncing basketballs.
When I chose blessed as the second December blog word, I was going to talk about how incredibly blessed we were to have Linley in our lives as either a daughter, sister, cousin, granddaughter, friend, teammate, or classmate. I had grand ideas of thanking all the people we have been blessed to meet throughout Linley’s journey. That we are blessed by Linley’s love and legacy which inspire us every day. I wanted to write about how Linley was blessed with something special- aside from being smart, funny, artistic, and athletic- Linley was kind. She helped, she cared, and she understood. But, I couldn’t find the right words. I couldn’t put into writing how something as cruel as DIPG, could, in any way shape, or form, also be put into the same paragraph as the word blessed.
So instead, I’ll turn this blog over to my readers— pretty sure I don’t have many, but you never know! Think about a time you were blessed by Linley’s superpower, her kindness or love. How did she leave a handprint on your heart? If you want to share it in the comments, feel free to, but you can also just remember and smile.
I’m choosing to remember how patient Linley was when helping Griffin get his goalie gloves on during kindergarten indoor soccer. I’m choosing to remember notes from teachers about how Linley helped a classmate. I’m choosing to remember Linley making art for others and “Sprinkling Love” everywhere.
I’m also choosing to remember that Linley was blessed to know and be loved by you. Here’s one holiday-related story that comes to mind:
Linley was scheduled to finish radiation treatments just in time to make it home for Christmas. We were living at a Boston hotel at the time, and our community of Easton elves came together to give Linley a Christmas to remember. They put together a surprise gift calendar where Linley would receive presents every single day. Art sets, slime kits, games, gift cards, and clothes galore. Linley absolutely loved getting these little surprises and looked forward to seeing what new package would be waiting on her bed when she was back from treatment. I will never forget the generosity and kindness we experienced that December; the outpouring of support was something I could never try and describe.
Linley’s Handprint
How did Linley leave a handprint on your heart?
The Best Big (& Little) Sister
Always helping her brothers - we called her the “Master Enabler” because if something was ever a little difficult for her brothers, there was Linley to the rescue!
Sprinkle Love
“To kindness and love, the things we need most.”
~The Grinch
Update on our 2022 end-of-year campaign…
1,000 Strong 🎩⚽️ Hat Trick for Lin 💙🌟
GOAL 1 💥 SCORED! 💥 $1,000 in donations
GOAL 2 💥 SCORED! 💥 1,000 Visitors to
GOAL 3 1,000 Followers @loveforlinley on social media. We are at 906… So, so close!! One more week!!
Spread the word- let’s make it happen!
To my Love for Linley family, we are blessed to have you in our lives.
And to my girl, we are so very, very blessed you are ours. We see your light shine bright.
All my love,
Blue Heart Mom