who needs RESOLUTIONS when you can have WISHES
14 wishes for our favorite #14
I WISH for golden sunsets
I WISH for spectacular sunrises
I WISH for a healthy mind, body, and spirit
I WISH to embrace the ordinary
I WISH for balance, wellness, and clarity
I WISH to live in the moment and make happy memories
I WISH to meet new friends and stay connected with forever friends
I WISH for my family and friends to feel loved
I WISH for advances in medicine toward treatments and a cure
I WISH for kindness
I WISH for peace
I WISH for hope
I WISH for miracles
I WISH for Love for Linley 💙
If you are like me and aren’t a fan of New Year’s resolutions, try coming up with your own list of 2023 WISHES. There’s something special and magical about a wish. Linley certainly knew this. She was full of wishes for herself and others.
Wishes come in all shapes and sizes— they can be extravagant or modest, ambitious or attainable, extraordinary or simple. Wishes don’t cause stress in trying to achieve them or guilt if you don’t succeed. Wishes encompass your goals, hopes, and dreams without any expectations or pressure. At the most basic level, even the word wish— thinking about and saying it— is more fun and light than the word resolution which evokes a certain harshness and rigidity. For many, resolutions are the traditional way of kicking off the new year with a sort of reinvention or bettering of the self. The wonderful thing about wishes is that they aren’t about changing who you are, they are more about seeing the best in yourself and the world around you.
Here’s to hoping some of these 2023 wishes come true. At the Love for Linley Foundation, we are always dreaming of a cancer-free future and we’re able to hold on to that hope because of YOU. Cheers, friends, and thank you for all that you do.
Our first 2023 Love for Linley Foundation fundraiser is coming up in March. We would love to see you there! We always appreciate volunteers, help with raffle baskets and decorations, or simply spreading the word.
To my Love for Linley family, my wish for you — a happy, healthy 2023 filled with your own wishes coming true.
And to my girl, all I ever wished for— keep shining your light and I will keep telling your Story.
All my love,