Poetry - A Limerick 🍀
Happy St. Patrick’s Day in heaven to Coach Scott and Linley. Brain cancer took both of them from us much too soon. They inspire us to always push on and keep dreaming of a cancer-free future.
#biggirlsoccer #sunshine #loveforlinley #cancersucks #braincancerawareness #gogray
We are now FIVE DAYS away from our Luck from Linley: A St. Patrick’s Party featuring a pong tournament, music, raffles, games, food and lots of shenanigans. A very, very limited number of tickets are available and they will only be sold at the door if we don’t sell out beforehand. We have amazing raffle prizes and some LFL merch will be available too. Cash prize for pong tournament winners. I have my partner- do you have yours? Looking forward to a great night raising money to crush cancer!
Luck from Linley will be held on the evening of Saturday, March 11 at the VFW in Easton, MA at 6-10pm. All proceeds will benefit pediatric brain tumor research, support programs, and family assistance through grants.
To my Love for Linley family, is poetry isn’t your thing… maybe music, food, games, and dancing are! Come have fun with us on 3/11.
And to my girl, you are they only one I’d ever share my poetry for— keep shining your light and I will keep telling your Story.
All my love,