
Blue Heart Mom was a little under the weather the past week so here’s a short and sweet belated blog post.

Let’s talk about music.

One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain

~ Bob Marley

Do you have songs that bring you right back to a moment? That help you stay strong? Is all your favorite music one genre or do you love just about all types? I’m not musically inclined at all- I can’t sing or play an instrument and can barely read music. Here’s me the last time I attempted to play an instrument…

Front right. I look miserable. I’m around the same age as Griffin in this picture. Thank goodness he’s much better at the clarinet than I was at violin!

Yep- me again- still miserable playing the violin. Probably even more miserable to be wearing a skirt and with a bow in my hair instead of climbing a tree, flipping off of my swingset or riding my bike through puddles. I was never cut out to be a musician.

Even though I’m not musical, music still speaks to me. I’m on team ‘I love lots of different genres of music’ and my favorite songs range from blues and reggae to pop and old school rap. Country, indie, alternative, rock, jazz, punk, funk and techno … I listen to it all. Recently, I’ve found a new genre to enjoy while looking for some fun songs for our March fundraiser. Irish pub songs! Lots of stories of travelers, drinking, and love. The music is fast-paced and the lyrics are clever and aim to bring people together. When we come together on March 11, we won’t just be listening to Dropkick Murphys, but some fun Irish pub tunes will definitely be included on the playlist.

Linley called music I like “Pilgrim Music” because I’m old and sometimes listen to music even older than my ancient self. She probably wouldn’t have approved of half the songs we’ll play at the event so I’ll make sure to throw in some of her favorites too.

I’m so glad Linley got to go to her first concert - Taylor Swift! 💙

We are now less than one month away from our Luck from Linley: A St. Patrick’s Party featuring a pong tournament, music, raffles, games, food and lots of shenanigans. A limited number of tickets are available, so make sure to get yours soon! We have amazing raffle prizes and some LFL merch will be available too. Cash prize for pong tournament winners. I have my partner- do you have yours? Looking forward to a great night raising money to crush cancer!

Luck from Linley will be held on the evening of Saturday, March 11 at the VFW in Easton, MA. All proceeds will benefit pediatric brain tumor research, support programs, and family assistance through grants.

There are a number of ways to support the Love for Linley Foundation and the March event.

  • Join us at our fundraiser! Information and tickets here.

  • Lucky Tees will be available for purchase at the event if you missed the Bonfire campaign or they are available here.

  • We are still accepting raffle donations and are always looking for those interested in sponsorship opportunities for our events. Contact us at

To my Love for Linley family, join us for a special night and let the music take you away.

And to my girl, your laugh was music to my ears and I hear it so clearly in my head— keep shining your light and I will keep telling your Story.

All my love,


Poetry - A Limerick 🍀

